Tularemia bacteria escapes using recyclable speargun
A recent study by researchers from the University of Basel show that the bacteria responsible for causing the infectious disease tularemia use “nano-spearguns” to free […]
A recent study by researchers from the University of Basel show that the bacteria responsible for causing the infectious disease tularemia use “nano-spearguns” to free […]
According to a new study recently published by researchers at the University of Notre Dame, just 10 minutes of light exposure can be enough to […]
Photosynthetic cyanobacteria functions similar to a green plant – they use light energy to carry out photosynthesis and they release oxygen as a biproduct from […]
A new analysis from researchers at Berkeley and Harvard strengthens the hypothesis that sunlike stars are formed two at the time. So, did our sun […]
Researchers in Australia has created a solar-powered paint capable of absorbing water vapour and splitting the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is a […]
During the last few years, an increasing number of food poisoning due to cugatoxin has been reported in Europe. Ciguatoxin has traditionally been found in […]